Humans are typically beings of routine, with a tendency to resist change, while some find it invigorating. Nonetheless, it is undeniable that change is an unavoidable aspect of life. Change, on numerous occasions, can prove to be highly beneficial, as it prevents us from stagnating and hindering our personal & professional development.
Just such a change has just occurred within FGASA this month, one that I believe is a positive change and will hopefully avoid unnecessary confusion in the future.
Please see below updated FGASA titles (main qualifications) to align with the CATHSSETA qualifications framework.
Old Name(s): New Name:
FGASA Level 1/Apprentice Guide: FGASA Nature Site Guide (NQF2)
FGASA Level 2/Field Guide: FGASA Nature Site Guide (NQF4)
FGASA Level 3/Professional Field Guide: No changes - FGASA Professional Field Guide
Back-up (old)/Apprentice Trails Guide: No changes - FGASA Apprentice Trails Guide
Trails Guide/Lead Trails Guide No changes - FGASA Lead Trails Guide (NQF4)
Advanced (old)/Professional Trails Guide: No changes - remains Professional Trails Guide
SKS qualification titles remain the same.
We are sure that the new system will be welcomed by all, and necessary change to move our incredible industry forward! FGASA has already implemented these changes on their website and Nightjar Training will be following suit.
The full FGASA qualification list can be found here:
FGASA will not be re-issuing certificates with updated titles, however, all future certificates will reflect the new titles. Please remember, unless specifically requested, the FGASA office no longer print certificates (hard-copies), however, digital copies will be emailed to the relevant member.
As a reminder, in order to be a legal guide, you have to have a NQF certificate issued by CATHSSETA, a valid first aid certificate, and registered by NDT in the province which you operate in.
We hope you find this helpful. Until next time,
Charles & The Nightjar Team
All Rights Reserved | NightJar